Circuit breakers and isolators are both electrical devices used in power systems, but they have different functions and are used for distinct purposes:
Circuit Breaker:
This is an automatic device that interrupts the flow of current in an electrical circuit to protect it from damage due to overloads or short circuits. It can detect faults and trip (open) the circuit automatically.
This is a manually operated device that isolates a part of the circuit from the main power supply for maintenance or safety purposes. It does not have a mechanism to automatically interrupt the current flow when faults occur.
2. Operation Under Load:
Circuit Breaker: Can operate under load conditions, meaning it can open and close a circuit that is carrying current.
Cannot operate under load conditions and must only be operated when the circuit is already de-energized. It is not designed to break a live circuit.
3.Protective Role:
Circuit Breaker: Provides protection to the system by detecting and interrupting fault conditions, making it a protective device.
-Isolator: Does not provide any protective functions. Its primary role is to ensure safety by isolating a portion of the system for maintenance or emergency purposes.
-Circuit Breaker: Can be automatic or remotely controlled and often comes equipped with additional protection features such as overload protection, short circuit protection, etc.
Isolator: Is manually operated and does not have any automatic features. It needs to be engaged or disengaged by an operator.
5. Usage:
Circuit Breaker:
Used in places where automatic protection is required, such as substations, industrial systems, and residential electrical panels.
Used primarily as a safety device for disconnecting a part of the electrical system to ensure safe maintenance.
In essence, circuit breakers are protective devices that can break the circuit during fault conditions automatically, while isolators are used to ensure safe disconnection for maintenance and can only be operated when the circuit is not carrying current.